

发布时间:2024-08-01 发布人:天合·种电 发布来源:http://www.zdnygf.com/


Distributed photovoltaic power generation is a new type of power generation method that uses photovoltaic modules to directly convert solar energy into electrical energy. It has the characteristics of clean and efficient, decentralized layout, and nearby utilization. This power generation method follows the principles of adapting to local conditions, clean and efficient, decentralized layout, and nearby utilization, fully utilizing local solar energy resources to replace and reduce fossil energy consumption. Distributed photovoltaic power generation systems are usually installed in low-voltage power grids near users, such as on the roofs of urban buildings, and must be connected to the public power grid to supply power to nearby users together with the public power grid.

分布式光伏发电与集中式光伏发电的主要区别在于其规模和运行方式。 集中式光伏发电通常指的是大型光伏电站,规模较大,电力通过升压及长途运输送到电网,再由电网分配给用户。而分布式光伏发电则更注重就近发电、就近并网、就近转换、就近使用的原则,有效提高了发电效率,减少了电力在升压及长途运输中的损耗。


The main difference between distributed photovoltaic power generation and centralized photovoltaic power generation lies in their scale and operation mode. Centralized photovoltaic power generation usually refers to large-scale photovoltaic power plants, where electricity is boosted and transported over long distances to the grid, and then distributed to users by the grid. Distributed photovoltaic power generation places more emphasis on the principles of nearby power generation, nearby grid connection, nearby conversion, and nearby use, effectively improving power generation efficiency and reducing power losses during boosting and long-distance transportation.


The national support policies for distributed photovoltaic power generation also reflect recognition of its importance. For example, the country vigorously promotes distributed photovoltaic power generation projects to promote the use of clean energy, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and achieve emission reduction goals. In addition, the government encourages enterprises and individuals to install distributed photovoltaic power generation systems through subsidies, preferential loans, and other means.


The procedures required for installing a distributed photovoltaic power generation system generally include submitting an application to the local power department, obtaining necessary permits and certificates, and negotiating grid connection matters with the power company. The specific process and requirements may vary depending on local policies and regulations, so it is recommended to consult the local power department or professional institutions in detail before installation to obtain accurate information and guidance.


Overall, distributed photovoltaic power generation is an energy utilization method with broad development prospects. It can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also improve energy utilization efficiency, and is one of the important means to achieve sustainable development

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