

发布时间:2024-08-05 发布人:天合·种电 发布来源:http://www.zdnygf.com/


A typical distributed photovoltaic power generation system includes the following main components:

1.光伏电池组件: 系统的核心,用于将太阳能转换为直流电。

1. Photovoltaic module: The core of the system, used to convert solar energy into direct current.

2.支架: 用于安装和固定光伏电池组件。

2. Bracket: Used for installing and fixing photovoltaic cell modules.

3.直流汇流箱: 用于汇集来自各个光伏电池组件的直流电。

3. DC combiner box: used to collect DC power from various photovoltaic modules.

4.并网逆变器: 将直流电转换为与电网兼容的交流电。

4. Grid connected inverter: converts DC power into AC power compatible with the grid.

5.交流配电柜: 用于分配和监控交流电的流向。

5. AC distribution cabinet: used for distributing and monitoring the flow of AC power.

6.监控系统: 用于实时监控光伏发电系统的性能和状态。

6. Monitoring system: used for real-time monitoring of the performance and status of photovoltaic power generation systems.


Application of distributed photovoltaic power generation


Distributed photovoltaic power generation systems can be applied in various scenarios, including:


1.住宅屋顶: 居民可以安装屋顶光伏系统,实现自发自用,余电上网。

1. Residential roof: Residents can install rooftop photovoltaic systems to achieve self use and connect surplus electricity to the grid.

2.商业建筑: 商业用户可以在建筑物的屋顶或墙面安装光伏系统,降低电费支出。

2. Commercial buildings: Commercial users can install photovoltaic systems on the roof or walls of buildings to reduce electricity bills.

3.工业领域: 工业企业可以利用光伏发电减少生产成本,提高能源自给率。

3. Industrial sector: Industrial enterprises can use photovoltaic power generation to reduce production costs and improve energy self-sufficiency.

4.农业设施: 农业大棚和养殖场可以安装光伏系统,实现清洁能源的利用。

4. Agricultural facilities: Photovoltaic systems can be installed in agricultural greenhouses and breeding farms to achieve the utilization of clean energy.

5.公共设施: 学校、医院、车站等公共设施可以通过光伏发电减少对传统能源的依赖。

5. Public facilities: Schools, hospitals, stations and other public facilities can reduce their dependence on traditional energy through photovoltaic power generation.

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