

发布时间:2024-10-14 发布人:天合·种电 发布来源:http://www.zdnygf.com/


  The photovoltaic grid connected power generation system is composed of photovoltaic modules, battery arrays, combiner boxes, inverters, AC distribution cabinets (grid connected cabinets), transformers and other equipment. The function of some of its devices is to:


  Photovoltaic modules


  In the presence of light (whether from the sun or other luminous sources), the battery absorbs light energy and accumulates opposite numbered charges at both ends, resulting in the generation of "photovoltaic voltage", which is known as the "photovoltaic effect". Under the action of the photovoltaic effect, the two ends of a solar cell generate electromotive force, which converts light energy into electrical energy, making it an energy conversion device. Solar cells are generally silicon cells, divided into three types: monocrystalline silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon solar cells, and amorphous silicon solar cells.


  Component array


  A single photovoltaic module cannot generate sufficient voltage for power generation, and a certain number of photovoltaic modules must be connected in series to form sufficient voltage. This voltage is usually between 200 and 1000V.


  Photovoltaic DC combiner box


  In the solar photovoltaic power generation system, a combiner box is used to reduce the connection between the solar photovoltaic cell array and the inverter. Users can connect a certain number and specifications of photovoltaic cells in series to form photovoltaic strings, and then connect several photovoltaic strings in parallel to the photovoltaic combiner box. In order to improve the reliability and practicality of the system, photovoltaic dedicated DC lightning protection modules, DC fuses, circuit breakers, etc. are configured in the photovoltaic lightning protection combiner box. Monitoring function modules can also be installed to facilitate users to timely and accurately grasp the working condition of photovoltaic modules, ensuring that the solar photovoltaic power generation system can play its maximum role.




  It is a device that converts direct current into alternating current. Due to the fact that the photovoltaic module array is a DC power source and the load is an AC load, an inverter is essential. Inverters can be divided into independent operating inverters and grid connected inverters according to their operating modes. The independent operation inverter is used for a solar cell power generation system that operates independently and supplies power to independent loads. Grid connected inverter is a solar cell power generation system used for grid connected operation.


  AC distribution cabinet (grid connected cabinet)


  As the total export of photovoltaic power plants, it exists in the photovoltaic system and is a distribution device that connects the photovoltaic power plant and the power grid. Its main function is to serve as the boundary point between the photovoltaic power generation system and the power grid. For low-voltage grid connected photovoltaic power plants, metering, protection and other functional devices can also be installed in the photovoltaic grid cabinet.20221206031006955_03


  monitoring system


  The photovoltaic power generation system can be equipped with a monitoring system during maintenance, which helps to improve the reliability of operation, carry out maintenance work early, and improve the efficiency of power generation. Transformers are generally boost transformers, which convert the AC power inverted by photovoltaic inverters into voltage levels that are connected to the grid through boosting.




  It should have isolation function. Generally, the transformer is located in the front section of the grid connected AC cabinet (from the perspective of current flow, in a photovoltaic system, current flows from the inverter to the grid)

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