

发布时间:2024-09-21 发布人:天合·种电 发布来源:http://www.zdnygf.com/


  What is the benefit of installing photovoltaic power generation in rural areas now? Mainly depends on how much your grid electricity price is? In 2020, there was a new adjustment to the grid electricity price, with an overall grid electricity price of 0.49 yuan/kWh. Compared to the previous on grid electricity price, it has indeed decreased significantly. The highest price in the past was 1.1 yuan/kWh, which is more than double the current price, which means the income has been halved. ▲ Rural rooftop grid connected power generation


  What are the main benefits of rural photovoltaic power generation?


  Regarding profitable photovoltaic power generation projects, they are mainly in the form of microgrids, mainly on the roofs of rural residential buildings. The building area is generally not large, and the installed solar panels have a power of 3000-6000 watts. The ultimate benefit is to invest in these photovoltaic power generation facilities and reduce some daily maintenance costs for grid connected photovoltaic power generation.

  ▲ 光伏支架安装

  ▲ Installation of photovoltaic brackets


  ① The composition and facility costs of photovoltaic grid connected systems are relatively simple for photovoltaic grid connected power generation systems. The main equipment of the entire system includes photovoltaic brackets, photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic dedicated cables, combiner boxes, grid connected inverters, etc. These devices have unit prices because they also fluctuate. I will not list them separately here. For the basic photovoltaic power generation system, the quotation can be based on the installed capacity of the system. Generally, the current quotation for photovoltaic grid connected systems is 4-5 yuan/W. If a 3000 watt photovoltaic panel is installed, the basic cost of the system is 120000 yuan.

  ▲ 光伏并网成功

  ▲ Successful grid connection of photovoltaic system


  ② How is the operating cost of photovoltaic power generation? The current grid electricity price of photovoltaic power generation systems is basically 0.49 yuan/kWh, and this part is subject to tax deduction. Those who receive this part of the money need to obtain an invoice from the local tax bureau, which has a specialized place for processing. This is relatively easy. After obtaining the invoice, they can go to the power bureau. Where is the specialized place to handle this. I will transfer the money to your account at that time, but I am not very sure about the actual tax rate.

  ▲ 光伏系统维护

  ▲ Maintenance of Photovoltaic System


  Photovoltaic modules, also known as solar panels, are subject to wear and tear and have a lifespan of typically 25 years. Photovoltaic panels do not decay or decay very little in the first 5 years, but begin to decay after 5 years. The rate of decay is also different depending on the quality of the panel, which means that the annual power generation will gradually decrease. A decrease in power generation means a decrease in income. Generally speaking, based on the experience of photovoltaic power generation, the installation cost can be recovered within 5-6 years. And the equipment that also needs maintenance in the later stage is the inverter, with a warranty of generally 3-5 years and basically no problems. It depends on your luck. If it breaks, the price will be determined based on the power. Generally, a 3000 watt inverter costs around 4000 yuan.


  What are the installation scenarios for rural photovoltaic power generation?


  For this rural area, it is still relatively good because most of the buildings belong to oneself. But one thing it needs is that the building has a property ownership certificate, also known as a property ownership certificate, which is for its subsidy. It is also a business mainly focused on household grid connection. Another factor is the condition of the building construction. If it is an older house, it may not last long and there is a risk of collapse. Because there are sometimes installation subsidies during photovoltaic installation, and if your house collapses just after the subsidy, it's a bit of a biased subsidy.

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