

发布时间:2024-09-15 发布人:天合·种电 发布来源:http://www.zdnygf.com/


  Introduction to types of photovoltaic power generation cells:

  P型电池:在p型半导体材料上扩散硼元素,形成n /p型结构的太阳电池即为P型硅片,以这种材料制作的光伏电池称为P型电池;P型电池是目前主流电池工艺,具有制作工艺简单,成本较低优点,缺点最高效率有其固有瓶颈。

  P-type solar cell: A solar cell with an n/p-type structure formed by diffusing boron elements onto p-type semiconductor materials is called a P-type silicon wafer. Photovoltaic cells made from this material are called P-type cells; P-type batteries are currently the mainstream battery technology, with the advantages of simple manufacturing process and low cost, but the disadvantages of high efficiency are inherent bottlenecks.20221206031006955_03

  N型电池:在N型半导体材料上注入磷元素,形成p /n型结构的太阳电池即为N型硅片;N型电池电池效率可以做得更?,但是?艺更加复杂,目前越来越多的企业生产N型电池,有望成为未来的主流技术。

  N-type solar cell: A solar cell with a p/n structure formed by injecting phosphorus into N-type semiconductor material is called an N-type silicon wafer; Can the efficiency of N-type batteries be improved?, But what? Art is becoming more complex, and more and more companies are producing N-type batteries, which are expected to become the mainstream technology in the future.


  Heterojunction (HJT/HIT) cell, also known as intrinsic thin film heterojunction cell, is an efficient new type of crystalline silicon solar cell structure. It is a hybrid solar cell made of crystalline silicon substrate and amorphous silicon thin film, which adds an undoped (intrinsic) hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin film between P-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon and N-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon and N-type silicon substrate. Heterojunction cells, due to their unique double-sided symmetrical structure and excellent passivation effect of amorphous silicon layers, have advantages such as high conversion efficiency, high double-sided rate, almost no photo induced attenuation, good temperature characteristics, the ability to use thin silicon wafers, and the ability to stack perovskite. At the same time, their manufacturing process is relatively short, and they have developed rapidly in recent years, with a high level of popularity in the future. TOPCon battery: It is a solar cell based on the principle of selective charge carriers, which uses tunneling oxide layer passivation contact.


  The Topcon battery structure is an N-type silicon substrate battery. A layer of ultra-thin silicon oxide is prepared on the back of the battery, and then a thin layer of doped silicon is deposited. The two together form a passive contact structure, effectively reducing surface recombination and metal contact recombination. A new type of solar cell with high conversion efficiency, low internal short circuit, high temperature stability, and excellent low light performance. In the future, with the continuous advancement of photovoltaic technology, Topcon cells are expected to be applied in a wider range of fields.


  Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) thin film solar cell: It is prepared by using four elements copper, indium, gallium, and selenium as functional layers, and depositing other functional layers on a flexible substrate. As long as it is a few microns thin, it can generate electricity like traditional thick silicon solar panels. CIGS cells have stable performance, strong radiation resistance, high photoelectric conversion efficiency, and are close to the conversion efficiency of mainstream products in the market, such as crystalline silicon solar cells. However, their cost is only one-third of that. It is precisely because of its excellent performance that it is internationally known as the next generation of low-cost solar cells, which have broad market prospects in both ground solar power generation and space micro satellite power supply applications.


  Gallium arsenide battery, abbreviated as GaAs, is a highly efficient and stable solar cell. It uses gallium arsenide material as the photovoltaic layer, which has high solar conversion efficiency and good stability in high temperature and high radiation environments. The principle is that the photovoltaic conversion layer of gallium arsenide solar cells is mainly composed of gallium arsenide semiconductor materials. When sunlight shines on the gallium arsenide layer, photon energy excites electrons in the valence band of gallium arsenide to become conduction bands, thereby generating photo generated electron hole pairs. These electron hole pairs are captured and transported to the electrode, forming an electric current. Gallium arsenide solar cells are a highly efficient, high-speed responsive, broad-spectrum solar converter suitable for various lighting conditions. Despite its high cost, it has broad application prospects and will play an important role in the future development of renewable energy.


  Cadmium telluride cell: abbreviated as CdTe cell, a thin-film solar cell with cadmium telluride thin film as the main functional layer. It is mainly composed of p-type cadmium telluride, n-type cadmium (cadmium sulfide) thin film, transparent electrode, back electrode, glass substrate, etc. Its high light absorption rate, high conversion efficiency, stable performance, and production cost are much lower than other materials of solar cells, making it easy to scale production and expected to become one of the leading new energy sources in the future.

  钙钛矿电池:钙钛矿型太阳能电池(perovskite solar cells),是利用钙钛矿型的有机金属卤化物半导体作为吸光材料的太阳能电池,属于第三代太阳能电池,也称作新概念太阳能电池。转换性能优异、成本低廉、商业价值巨大,是目前研究的热点。目前各种技术路线的太阳能电池都在进行创新,不断的降低生产成本,提高转化效率,技术发展很快,各种新型技术不断涌现。

  Perovskite solar cells: Perovskite solar cells are solar cells that use perovskite type organic metal halide semiconductors as light absorbing materials. They belong to the third generation of solar cells and are also known as new concept solar cells. Excellent conversion performance, low cost, and enormous commercial value are currently hot research topics. At present, various technological routes of solar cells are undergoing innovation, continuously reducing production costs and improving conversion efficiency. The technology is developing rapidly, and various new technologies are constantly emerging.

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