

发布时间:2024-08-26 发布人:天合·种电 发布来源:http://www.zdnygf.com/
  一、可行性分析(Feasibility Analysis)
  在考虑安装厂房屋顶光伏之前,需要进行可行性分析。主要包括产权问题、屋面位置的选取、倾角与朝向的确定,以及阴影问题的评估等。通过可行性分析,确保屋面的特征与电池板的性能相匹配,以达到更高的发电效益。Before considering installing photovoltaic panels on the factory roof, a feasibility analysis is needed. It mainly includes issues such as property rights, selection of roof location, determination of inclination and orientation, and assessment of shadow problems. Through feasibility analysis, ensure that the characteristics of the roof match the performance of the battery panels to achieve higher power generation efficiency.
  1、产权问题(Property Rights Issue)
  工商业屋顶安装光伏发电的一个突出的问题是屋顶或场地产权问题,由于光伏发电使用寿命长,投资成本也高。在产权不明晰的场地或屋顶建设光伏发电站会给电站建成后的使用和收益产生很多不确定因素。因此在建设工商业电站前期一定要充分做好场地产权、静态投资和运维投入、收益分配、风险承担等一系列可行性分析,制定好切实可行的解决方案。One prominent issue in installing photovoltaic power generation on industrial and commercial roofs is the problem of roof or site property rights. Due to the long service life of photovoltaic power generation, the investment cost is also high. Building a photovoltaic power station on a site or roof with unclear property rights will bring many uncertain factors to the use and income after the power station is completed. Therefore, in the early stage of building an industrial and commercial power station, a series of feasibility analyses such as site property rights, static investment and operation and maintenance input, income distribution, and risk assumption must be fully done, and a practical solution must be formulated.
  2、屋顶结构评估(Roof Structure Assessment)
  在进行光伏安装之前,需要对厂房屋顶的结构进行评估,以确保其能够承受光伏系统的重量和负荷。这包括检查屋顶的强度、平整度和稳定性等因素。如果屋顶结构存在问题,则需要进行修复或加固,以确保其能够安全地承载光伏系统。Before installing photovoltaic panels, the structure of the factory roof needs to be evaluated to ensure that it can bear the weight and load of the photovoltaic system. This includes checking factors such as the strength, flatness, and stability of the roof. If there are problems with the roof structure, it needs to be repaired or strengthened to ensure that it can safely carry the photovoltaic system.
  3、屋顶支架(Roof Bracket)
  建筑屋顶主要有彩钢瓦、陶瓷瓦、钢混等几种,彩钢瓦分为直立锁边型、咬口型、卡扣型、固定件连接型。前两种需要专用转接件,后两种需要打孔固定;陶瓷瓦屋面可以使用专用转接件,也可以不与屋面固定,利用自重和屋面坡度附着其上;钢混结构屋面需要制作支架基础,基础与屋面可以生根也可以不生根,关键考虑屋面防水、抗风载能力、屋面设计荷载等因素。There are several types of building roofs, mainly including color steel tiles, ceramic tiles, and reinforced concrete. Color steel tiles are divided into standing seam type, snap-lock type, buckle type, and fixed part connection type. The first two types require special adapters, and the latter two types need to be fixed by drilling holes; for ceramic tile roofs, special adapters can be used, or they can be not fixed to the roof and attached to it by using self-weight and roof slope; for reinforced concrete structure roofs, bracket foundations need to be made. The foundation and the roof can be rooted or not. Key factors to consider include roof waterproofing, wind load resistance ability, and roof design load.
  4、环境因素(Environmental Factors)
  在选择支架系统时,还需要考虑当地的环境因素,例如风雪、降雨等自然灾害。为了保护光伏面板和支架系统,应该根据当地的环境条件选择耐用、抗风雪、防腐蚀、抗锈蚀等特性的支架系统。同时,在支架系统的设计和安装过程中,需要考虑当地的风速、降雨量、积雪深度等因素,以确保支架系统能够在恶劣天气条件下稳定运行,并最大程度地减少损坏和维修成本。When choosing a bracket system, local environmental factors such as natural disasters such as wind, snow, and rain also need to be considered. In order to protect photovoltaic panels and bracket systems, a bracket system with characteristics such as durability, resistance to wind and snow, corrosion resistance, and rust resistance should be selected according to local environmental conditions. At the same time, in the design and installation process of the bracket system, factors such as local wind speed, rainfall, and snow depth need to be considered to ensure that the bracket system can operate stably under harsh weather conditions and minimize damage and maintenance costs.
  二、项目预算(Project Budget)
  厂房屋顶光伏的安装需要一定的经费,预算需要考虑光伏电池板的成本、构架及支架的价格以及安装费用(如施工费、运输费用等),同时还需要根据项目的大小和规模来制定详细的财务计划和风险管理方案,确保项目经济效益最大化。The installation of photovoltaic panels on factory roofs requires a certain amount of funds. The budget needs to consider the cost of photovoltaic panels, the price of frameworks and brackets, and installation costs (such as construction costs, transportation costs, etc.). At the same time, a detailed financial plan and risk management plan need to be formulated according to the size and scale of the project to ensure the maximization of project economic benefits.
  三、政策和环境法规(Policies and Environmental Regulations)
  各地为了推动分布式光伏发展,纷纷出台省级、市级甚至县级的扶持政策。项目开发人员在项目开发前期需提前需熟悉这些政策,作为目前还需政府补贴发展的光伏产业,补贴政策的好坏直接影响了分布式的收益,因此当地政策好的分布式项目宜优先开发。In order to promote the development of distributed photovoltaic power, various places have successively introduced support policies at the provincial, municipal, and even county levels. Project developers need to be familiar with these policies in advance in the early stage of project development. As the photovoltaic industry still needs government subsidies for development, the quality of subsidy policies directly affects the income of distributed projects. Therefore, distributed projects with good local policies should be developed preferentially.
  配电设备是光伏电站选择并网方案的根据之一,主要考查内容有:1) 厂区变压器容量、数量、母联、负荷比例等;2) 厂区计量表位置、母排规格、开关规格型号等;3) 厂区是否配备独立的配电室,是否配电设备是否有备用的间隔,如没有是否可以压接母排;4) 优先选择变压器总容量大,负荷比例大的用户;5) 查看进线总开关的容量,考虑收益问题,光伏发电系统的输出电流不宜大于户用开关的容量;6) 以走线方便节约的原则,考虑逆变器、并网柜的安装位置。Distribution equipment is one of the bases for photovoltaic power stations to choose grid-connected schemes. The main inspection contents are: 1) Transformer capacity, quantity, bus tie, load ratio, etc. in the plant area; 2) Location of the plant area meter, busbar specifications, switch specifications and models, etc.; 3) Whether the plant area is equipped with an independent power distribution room, and whether there is a spare bay for power distribution equipment. If not, can the busbar be crimped? 4) Priority is given to users with large total transformer capacity and large load ratio; 5) Check the capacity of the main incoming switch. Considering income issues, the output current of the photovoltaic power generation system should not be greater than the capacity of the household switch; 6) According to the principle of convenient wiring and saving, consider the installation location of inverters and grid-connected cabinets.
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  • MAI:sdzdny001@163.com


