Factors affecting photovoltaic output under different climatic conditions
日照强度:日照强度是影响分布式光伏发电的重要因素之一。在光照充足的地区,光伏电池能够接收更多的太阳能,从而产生更高的电量输出。例如,在一些阳光充足的地区,如我国河西走廊中段北部边缘的金塔县,年平均日照时数达到 3231 小时,年太阳辐射量 6800 MJ/m?,日照百分率达到 75%,为分布式光伏发电提供了良好的自然条件。
Sunshine intensity: Sunshine intensity is one of the important factors affecting distributed photovoltaic power generation. In areas with sufficient sunlight, photovoltaic cells can receive more solar energy, resulting in higher power output. For example, in some sunny areas, such as Jinta County on the northern edge of the middle section of the Hexi Corridor in China, the annual average sunshine hours reach 3231 hours, the annual solar radiation is 6800 MJ/m ?, and the sunshine percentage reaches 75%, providing good natural conditions for distributed photovoltaic power generation.
Temperature: Temperature also has a significant impact on the performance of photovoltaic cells. Generally speaking, as the temperature increases, the output power of photovoltaic cells will decrease. In different climatic regions of Brazil, research has found that crystalline silicon modules exhibit strong performance degradation in high humidity and high temperature areas, while thin-film photovoltaic modules with low temperature coefficient power exhibit superior performance.
湿度:湿度同样会影响分布式光伏发电的表现。在高湿度地区,可能会对光伏电池的性能产生负面影响。例如在轨道交通沿线分布式光伏示范电站的研究中,当湿度小于 60% 时,对发电瞬时功率基本无影响;而当湿度大于 60% 时,发电瞬时功率随湿度的增加而快速减小。
Humidity: Humidity can also affect the performance of distributed photovoltaic power generation. In high humidity areas, it may have a negative impact on the performance of photovoltaic cells. For example, in the research of distributed photovoltaic demonstration power stations along rail transit lines, when the humidity is less than 60%, it has little effect on the instantaneous power generation; When the humidity exceeds 60%, the instantaneous power generation rapidly decreases with the increase of humidity.
2、 Evaluation of power generation performance under different climatic conditions
性能指标分析:在不同气候条件下,可以通过一些性能指标来评估分布式光伏发电系统的表现。例如,阿尔及利亚的研究中,通过标准化规范 IEC 61724,对三个不同气候区域的太阳能光伏电站进行了性能分析,评估了参考产量(Yr)、最终产量(Yf)、性能比(PR)和容量系数(CF)等性能因素。
Performance indicator analysis: Under different climatic conditions, the performance of distributed photovoltaic power generation systems can be evaluated through some performance indicators. For example, in Algeria's research, performance analysis was conducted on solar photovoltaic power plants in three different climate regions using the standardized specification IEC 61724, evaluating performance factors such as reference yield (Yr), final yield (Yf), performance ratio (PR), and capacity factor (CF).
基于模拟的性能评估:对于分布式光伏发电系统在不同气候条件下的性能,还可以通过模拟分析来进行评估。如在一项研究中,对一个 5kW 独立分布式光伏发电系统进行了模拟分析,使用模糊控制器的最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)技术,并在不同的运行条件下评估了模糊 MPPT 技术的性能。结果表明,模糊 MPPT 提供了更好的结果。
Simulation based performance evaluation: The performance of distributed photovoltaic power generation systems under different climatic conditions can also be evaluated through simulation analysis. In a study, a 5kW independent distributed photovoltaic power generation system was simulated and analyzed using the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique of a fuzzy controller, and the performance of the fuzzy MPPT technique was evaluated under different operating conditions. The results indicate that fuzzy MPPT provides better results.
3、 Performance of photovoltaic modules under different climatic conditions
环境适应性:光伏模块的发电性能在不同气候条件下的环境适应性各不相同。通过对不同厂家的晶体硅模块进行 IEC 61853 系列标准的 “光伏模块性能测试和能量评级” 测试,并结合 6 个标准气候区数据集进行模块能效模拟计算,研究发现与光伏模块的标称功率相比,能效值可以更好地反映模块在不同气候条件下的环境适应性。
Environmental adaptability: The power generation performance of photovoltaic modules varies in environmental adaptability under different climatic conditions. By conducting IEC 61853 series standard "photovoltaic module performance testing and energy rating" tests on crystalline silicon modules from different manufacturers, and combining six standard climate zone datasets for module energy efficiency simulation calculations, the study found that compared with the nominal power of photovoltaic modules, energy efficiency values can better reflect the environmental adaptability of modules under different climate conditions.
The factors that affect energy efficiency include incident angle response, operating temperature coefficient, spectral response, and power matrix, which can affect the energy efficiency of photovoltaic modules. Among them, the variation of the incident angle response parameter has the greatest impact on the energy efficiency value of the photovoltaic module.
4、 Design considerations for distributed photovoltaic power generation systems under different climatic conditions
广域分布式光伏发电监测与出力估计:为准确评估光伏出力对电力系统的运行影响,掌握分布式发电的实时数据,需要开展广域分布式光伏发电监测与出力估计研究。例如,提出光伏全局出力估计的分布式光伏国 - 省 - 地一体化信息建模方法,实现广域分布式光伏发电的有线与无线全景监测;开展不同场景下分布式光伏出力特性研究,对分布式光伏进行聚合分析,并提出全局出力估计方法。
Wide area distributed photovoltaic power generation monitoring and output estimation: In order to accurately evaluate the impact of photovoltaic output on the operation of the power system and grasp real-time data of distributed power generation, it is necessary to carry out research on wide area distributed photovoltaic power generation monitoring and output estimation. For example, proposing a distributed photovoltaic integrated information modeling method for global output estimation of photovoltaics, achieving wired and wireless panoramic monitoring of wide area distributed photovoltaic power generation; Conduct research on the output characteristics of distributed photovoltaics in different scenarios, aggregate and analyze distributed photovoltaics, and propose a global output estimation method.
Photovoltaic clustering method: For large-scale distributed photovoltaic user output prediction, photovoltaic clustering method can be used. Firstly, the impact of weather on photovoltaic output is divided into two categories: macro climate and micro climate. The historical data period is divided into four weather type sample groups based on the average daily photovoltaic output. Then, spatial correlation clustering analysis is performed to obtain the division of user photovoltaic areas. The optimal regional partitioning scheme is determined by considering the number of non clustered photovoltaic user points and the consistency of sub regional weather.
Design of distributed photovoltaic power stations in poverty-stricken areas: In order to fully utilize the advantages of vacant roofs and land resources and develop the photovoltaic power generation industry in poverty-stricken areas, suitable photovoltaic cell modules and inverter models can be selected based on local solar energy resources and climate conditions. The optimal installation angle of the photovoltaic array can be calculated through software simulation, the layout spacing can be determined, and the power generation and environmental benefits can be evaluated
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