

发布时间:2024-07-03 发布人:天合·种电 发布来源:http://www.zdnygf.com/


  The limitations of photovoltaic power generation as a new energy generation mainly include the following:

  1气候对光伏发电影响。采用光伏并网发电无蓄电池方案时,如果一个城市上空的气候大幅变化,将造成电力负荷的大幅波动;当一个城市上空的空气质量比如空气污染, 或能见度变差比如雾天,阳天等都将使光伏发电在线或实时出力下降。

  The impact of climate on photovoltaic power generation. When adopting a photovoltaic grid connected power generation scheme without batteries, if the climate over a city changes significantly, it will cause significant fluctuations in power load; When the air quality over a city, such as air pollution or reduced visibility, such as foggy or sunny days, will cause a decrease in the online or real-time output of photovoltaic power generation.


  In terms of geographical location, photovoltaic power generation equipment can only be installed and constructed in conjunction with buildings, which is known as on-site power supply on photovoltaic roofs. If we leave buildings to build photovoltaic power generation, it will greatly increase costs or damage the environment and ecology, which will greatly affect the power generation of photovoltaics20221206031006955_02

  3容量传输局限。在解决了光伏发电的成本问题后,大功率,高电压,远距离从荒漠面积输送电力到负荷中心,由于光伏发电没有传统电机的旋转惯量,调速器及励磁系统,将给交流电网 带来新的经济和稳定问题。不论采用交流或是直流高电压大功率远距离从荒漠地区输送电力。

  3. Capacity transmission limitations. After solving the cost problem of photovoltaic power generation, high-power, high-voltage, long-distance transmission of electricity from desert areas to load centers will bring new economic and stability problems to the AC power grid due to the lack of traditional motor rotational inertia, speed controllers, and excitation systems in photovoltaic power generation. Whether using AC or DC high voltage and high power for long-distance transmission of electricity from desert areas.


  The light energy conversion efficiency is low. Compared with the conversion efficiency of traditional energy sources such as mineral energy, petroleum, water energy, atomic energy, etc., the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic energy is not satisfactory.

  5昼夜交替。随着太阳照射角度以与昼夜交替的影响, 其发电量也受影响。

  5 days and nights alternate. As the angle of solar irradiation changes with the alternation of day and night, its power generation is also affected.


  Compared to these limitations, photovoltaic power generation also has specific unique advantages:


  1. Solar energy storage is enormous and poses no risk of depletion.


  2. Safe, reliable, noise free, and pollution-free emissions.


  3. Not limited by the geographical distribution of resources, the advantages of building roofs can be utilized; For example, areas without electricity and areas with complex terrain.


  4. Local power generation and supply can be achieved without the need for fuel consumption and the installation of transmission lines.


  5. High energy quality.


  6. Users are emotionally receptive and aesthetically pleasing.


  7. The construction period is short, and the time required to obtain energy is short.


  The photovoltaic industry is a sunrise industry that has emerged based on semiconductor technology and new energy demand, and is the commanding heights of future global advanced industry competition. In recent years, the global photovoltaic market has experienced several ups and downs, showing an overall upward trend of development.

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